Our 4 year old grandson wanted a wind chime for Christmas. His dad picked it out and I ordered it for him. Our grandson, his parents and his sisters loved it! They made a video for us and it sounded lovely!
Just received and hung the chime last week. It sounds beautiful , perfect resonance, not to "tinny". The individual chimes are cut to so the tone resonates very nicely. I'm thinking of a buying another one for the backyard as well.
We gave these wind chimes to a friend after his wife passed away. It was a nice gift to remind him of happier times when many of us got together for cookouts and summer fun. We had the dangling teardrop engraved with her name.
There is nothing specifically that I dislike about this wind chime. It appears to be well made and has lovely tones, but I was really wanting to find a two octave chime and this one is not that. It is a very welcome addition to my balcony.
I spent a while listening to the tones of this and other windchimes before purchasing this one. I am beyond pleased. It is one of the most beautiful windchime I've ever heard, even compared top much more expensive ones. It was well worth the buy. The tone and reverberations are so beautiful and deeply resonating.