More beautiful then in the picture and larger. Love the sound of it. I bought for my grandson who loves rocks. I was looking for something for my grandson. I had no problem finding something for my granddaughter. Was good choice for a boy. When he walks outside he will see and hear it and hopefully think of his grandmother. Only suggestions is no hook on end only a string.
When I first received the package it felt like it had good weight. As I opened I saw how beautiful it is and almost didnt gift it. Haha. I would definitely buy and gift again. Considering ordering one for myself as well
Beautiful! Came in carefully wrapped packaging. Vibrant colors and larger than I expected. I don't think it would do well outdoors but more as an indoor decor. Absolutely loved to the person I gave it to.
I hung the chime in my courtyard and although it is somewhat protected from strong winds, it does happen occasionally. I��m happy to report that the chime has withstood gusty winds just fine. It is a bit heavy which is good for this use and keeps the chimes from ringing too easily (which would be annoying). These have a soft sound that works great in this space. Very decorative piece.
I have this hanging in my room over a dresser. Everyone who comes over goes crazy over how gorgeous it is! I love the price for the quality. If you're considering buying this, do it! You won't be disappointment.